I’m a Foreign Expert in China

sample certificatesThe term ‘foreign expert’ refers to foreign professionals who work in China in a capacity that is considered important for the country’s economic and social development – certified by the Chinese government. That’s me, an education foreign expert! Here are the details of general qualifications for working here and also being a foreign expert. Continue reading I’m a Foreign Expert in China

Global Internet and Cyber Security

While the USA “invented” the Internet, it is China who is the top user and mover. There is not total agreement on how to govern it within the borders of each country, “multi-stakeholders” or “multilateral” approaches being two examples. China’s “cyber czar” Lu Wei makes a well-reasoned five point proposition here based on common ground, respect, sharing, trust and cooperation.

Continue reading Global Internet and Cyber Security

Former Harvard football player wants to make high school sports big in China

Cheng Ho profile

More and more the life-enriching aspects of sports in educational degrees meet the parents of their “little babies” in opposition. Viewing sports as useless and dangerous is ingrained in these parent’s minds and they barrel their college-age offspring into what the parents consider better career paths.

Life is for the living